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Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2019

Movie: The Descendants

The descendants is one of my favorite Disney Channel movies.  I love each of its 3 movies. Descendants 1, Descendants 2  and Descendants 3.  I really love every thing about them their music I adore.   A nd I really like the phrase they say in each of the movies  that is "Bad from the cradle" phrase that they  say almost at the end of descendants 3.

Trip To Salina Beach

This was a little trip to Salina beach with my family and a friend's family.  We had a great time, we really enjoyed the beach.

My little sister's birthday party

This is how we celebrate my sister's 3rd birthday best. That day she was very happy and I really enjoyed her birthday party.

Biography of Isabel Noboa

Isabel Noboa Isabel Noboa Pontón de Loor (Guayaquil, Ecuador, 1946) is an Ecuadorian businesswoman known for her foray into agricultural, real estate, industrial, commercial and tourism business through the Nobis Consortium - one of the largest business groups in  Ecuador - of which Noboa is founder and executive president.   Isabel Noboa is the daughter of the late Ecuadorian  businessman Luis Noboa Naranjo, founder of the Noboa Corporation, and Isabel Pontón Ávila,  who had 6 children, one of them businessman  and politician Álvaro Noboa.  Noboa left Ecuador at age 12 to Go to study at St.  George's School in Clarens, Switzerland.  Later he would take distance economics classes  with the University of London. After his return to  Guayaquil, he married at the age of 21 with Isidro  Romero Carbo and had 3 children:  Isabel Maria Romero de Campana, Melissa Romero de Zurita and Isidro Romero Noboa....